Aaron Private Limited (SGQR) Code

To make payment for an order using SGQR, please follow the steps below:

  1. Scan the SGQR code on the checkout page

  2. Key in the exact amount you wish to remit for payment of your order

  3. When prompted for a reference number, indicate your order ID

  4. Confirm payment

  5. Keep a screenshot of payment for reference

When will you verify my payment?

All SGQR payments are verified manually by 9 AM daily. If your order is not processed within 1 working day of payment, there is a slim chance we were unable to trace a payment to your order. We apologize if this may be the case and ask that you please contact us at +65 8768 5872 for immediate assistance!

What if I do not pay for my order?

We regret that orders will not be processed without confirmation of payment and will be cancelled within 24 hours if proof of payment is not received.

PayNow, DBS PayLah and OCBC Pay Anyone and PayNow user can make payment with the SGQR Code.


The payee can receive funds via PayNow as long as they have a Singapore bank account with one of the PayNow participating banks–– Bank of China, Citibank Singapore Limited, DBS Bank/POSB, HSBC, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited, Maybank, OCBC Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, and UOB.

OCBC Pay Anyone

OCBC Pay Anyone is an app that allows OCBC customers to send money to anyone or make NETS QR purchases.

DBS PayLah!

DBS PayLah! can be used to pay common bills such as hospital bills, taxes, HDB housing loan instalments, telco bills and more. You can also have your QR gifts credited into your PayLah! wallet.

DBS PayLah! is now supporting PayNow. This means that you can send money through DBS PayLah! to someone who doesn’t have a PayLah! account as long as they are registered with PayNow.

SGQR Members (39 members and counting)

Refer to the link below from Monetary Authority Singapore for the list of SGQR members (banks and organisation) that our business can get in touch with to start accepting payments via SGQR. https://www.mas.gov.sg/development/e-payments/sgqr/sgqr-members